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Cataloging Manual


Libraries with an electronic-only profile may be able to withdraw from the CRDP/Marcive program without losing Federal Depository Status. FDLP has explained that simply providing access to their documents through the library website or LibGuides would be sufficient and that cataloging these resources through one’s library management system is not a strict requirement. Reach out to FDLP to explore your options.

For those who do participate in CRDP, records for OPAL depository items are provided to participating libraries through GPO's Catalog Record Distribution Program (CRDP). Under this program, each library establishes a profile with Marcive, the CRDP service provider.  This profile follows the library's selection profile and establishes the parameters for the MARC records provided to OhioNet who loads the records for the library.

Each afternoon, a script developed by OhioNet retrieves files from Marcive's server.  These files are processed and readied for loading by Sierra's Scheduler tool.  The Scheduler tool loads records daily, Sunday through Thursday, at 2:00 am so that records are ready for processing Monday through Friday.

Processing Document Records

Libraries do not receive notification from OhioNet that records have been loaded.  Instead, library staff should use the notification email from Marcive as the indication that records will be available to process the following business day.

After files are loaded, library staff are responsible for reviewing the records loaded for accuracy and for addressing any naked bibs, bibs having location "bad" or any other errors. 

To accomplish this, the library should use the Create Lists function to copy the system-generated review files for their files of records; this should be done for both the "inserted records" and "overlaid records" review files for all files loaded (both physical and online files and new and changed files).

Libraries should review all files loaded for naked bibs, i.e., those having no attached item record for their institution.  For each naked bib, the library should determine the appropriate course of action, whether to delete the bib record or to manually attach an item record.  

If you have specific questions about processing CRDP records, please feel free to contact

Sample Procedures